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    Market Analysis

    Market Talk

    • Gold Trading Fundamentals

      Gold Trading Fundamentals

      On this Gold Trading show, Market Analyst Styliana Charalampous will provide in-depth information on the gold market for all traders. Host Davin and Styliana will discuss the history of gold as a valuable asset and clarify the market dynamics and trading vehicles to help you navigate your trading.

    • Mastering Forex Fundamentals

      Understanding Currency Pairs

      This is the foundation of Forex trading. Every trade involves two currencies, forming a pair. The first, the base currency, determines the trade's direction, while the second, the quote currency, reveals its value.

      Role of Central Bank in Forex

      The episode covers the influence of major central banks like the Fed, ECB, BoJ, and BoE on currency valuations through monetary policy and interest rate adjustments. It discusses how interest rate changes affect currency strength, using the Fed's rate increase and the ECB's lower rates as examples. Additionally, the episode examines the impact of quantitative easing on the Forex market, particularly the Fed's actions post-2008 crisis, highlighting the importance for traders to stay informed and align strategies with central bank cues for successful trading.

    • Live Trading Sessions

      Real-time Analysis of Market Opportunities

      This episode will unlock the power of real-time analysis and explore how it impacts identifying and seizing market opportunities. Tools for implementation and compelling case study will be utilised to clarify how real-time analysis can turn market events into profitable actions.

    • Profitable Forex Tactics

      Scalping Strategies for Short-Term Gains

      Scalping in forex trading appeals for quick profits through capturing small price movements. Leveraging technical indicators, selecting optimal time frames, and managing risk effectively are the key strategies that impact to success in scalping.

    • Central Banks and Policies Changes

      Central Banks and Policies Changes

      Catch VT Markets' Traders Brew as Beam Chanat, our experienced market analyst, explores the intricate workings of Central Banks and policy changes. Learn about the primary functions of Central Banks, their evolution, and their economic impact. Beam breaks down complex topics like monetary policy, interest rates, and quantitative easing, making them accessible for traders of all levels. Gain the knowledge you need to confidently navigate the financial markets.

    • Navigating the Forex Landscape

      Analyzing Major Currency Trends

      This podcast will delve into major currency trends in forex trading. It defines these trends as crucial navigational tools for traders and explores their influencers: economic data, geopolitical events, and central bank policies.

    • Deep Dives into Forex Niches

      Cryptocurrencies in the Forex Market

      Traders will learn the opportunities and complexities presented by the integration of cryptocurrencies into the forex landscape. The discussion highlights the benefits, including accessibility and volatility, while addressing potential challenges.

    • Guest Speaker

      Understanding Currency Pairs

      Styliana Charalampous

      DECEMBER 14, 2023

      Fed makes long-awaited pivot towards cutting rates, markets rejoice. Dow Jones soars to new all-time high, S&P 500 approaches its previous record. Dollar takes a dive as Treasury yields sink, gold rallies. SNB also holds rates, ECB and BoE decisions coming up next.

      Risk Warning: Our services involve a significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. *T&Cs apply.

      Please consider our Risk Disclosure: https://www.xm.com/goto/risk/en

      Risk warning is correct at the time of publication and may change. Please check our Risk Disclosure for an up to date risk warning

      Receive your daily market and forex news analysis directly from experienced forex and market news analysts! Tune in here to stay updated on a daily basis: https://www.xm.com/weekly-forex-review-and-outlook

    • Q&A

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