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6 Reasons Filipino Traders lose money in CFD Trading

July 14, 2023

Day trading CFD is a popular financial activity in the Philippines due to its potential for high returns. However, statistics indicate that a significant number of Filipino traders experience losses in their daily trading activities. In this article, we will explore the five reasons why Filipino traders often lose money in CFD trading. By understanding these factors, traders can minimize their chances of losses and improve their trading performance in the market.

The Reasons Why Traders Lose Money in CFD:

Proper Education and Understanding

One of the primary reasons why Filipino traders lose money in CFD trading is due to a lack of proper education. Many traders dive into this activity without acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. Most of them are unaware of the high risks involved and blindly follow the potential for high returns. Consequently, these traders are more likely to experience losses in the market as they trade with greed and without a comprehensive understanding.

To address this issue, it is crucial for individuals entering the world of finance to invest time and effort in education. Enrolling online courses, attending seminars or webinars, and learning from professional traders can expedite the learning process. However, it is important to recognize the need for continuous learning as the market never stops evolving. Thereafter, by constantly upgrading knowledge and skills, traders can enhance their understanding of the market dynamics and make better decisions.

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Poor Risk Management

Another contributing factor to the high failure rate among Filipino traders is poor risk management. Effective risk management is crucial in preserving capital and minimizing losses. Unfortunately, many traders fail to implement proper risk management strategies.

Traders should establish clear risk management rules and stick to them consistently. This includes determining the acceptable risk for trades, setting stop-loss orders to limit losses, and avoiding overtrading. Therefore, by managing risk effectively, traders can protect their capital and increase their chances of long-term profitability.

Emotional Decision-Making

Emotions can be detrimental to CFD trading success. Greed, fear, and impulsive decision-making often lead traders to make irrational choices that result in losses. Emotion-driven trading can lead to chasing losses, holding onto losing positions for too long, or making impulsive trades without proper analysis.

To overcome emotional decision-making, traders should develop a trading plan and stick to it. A well-defined plan should include entry and exit strategies, guidelines, and rules for managing emotions. Additionally, traders should practice discipline and avoid making impulsive decisions on short-term targets.

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Poor Trading Strategies

Having a solid trading strategy is vital for success for everything. Unfortunately, many Filipino traders fail to develop or implement effective trading strategies. They may rely on guessing, tips from unreliable sources, or simply follow the crowd without a clear understanding of the industry.

Traders should take the time to develop a solid trading strategy through thorough analysis and sound principles. This may involve studying charts, using technical indicators, and analyzing fundamental factors that can affect the price of the underlying assets. It is important to test and refine the trading strategy through a demo trading account before risking real money.


Lack of patience is a significant factor contributing to losses among Filipino traders in CFD trading. Many traders often succumb to impulsive decisions, driven by the belief that “what goes down must come up.” Consequently, they enter trades prematurely or exit too early, motivated by a fear of missing out on small profits.

To maximize profitability, it is crucial for traders to cultivate patience and adhere to their trading plans. Patience allows traders to wait for favorable market conditions and identify high-probability setups with effective strategies. By exercising patience, traders can avoid impulsive actions, minimize unnecessary risks, and improve their overall trading performance.

Learn more about How To Earn A Living From CFD Trading in the Philippines

Choosing the Right Broker

A reliable broker is crucial for traders, providing essential support and a beneficial platform. Thus, it is important to research and compare brokers to find one that aligns with your goals. VT Markets Philippines is a reputable broker, offering the right tools and latest information on CFD trading for success. Choose the right broker to enhance your trading experience and increase your chances of success.


The high failure rate among Filipino traders in CFD trading can be mostly due to inadequate trading preparation. In order to improve the chances of success, traders should focus on practicing the above factors. Finally, by addressing these factors, Filipino traders can increase their profitability and achieve long-term success in CFD trading.